
It was my birthday a couple of days ago. I got a message from a work mate saying “happy shittiest birthday ever”. Haha I am glad someone said it. During a near lockdown in Scotland at the moment it isn’t easy to do anything we would normally want to do. But here are the brilliant things (yep a list) from my birthday.

1. Drop off food

My folks managed to get me a wee package involving wine and a dinner. Typically they left out the crispy potato things I like but I sourced them at Tesco. Along with more wine (bubbly) and some flowers and a cake. Might as well buy my own flowers for my birthday…right?

I might have mentioned before my lack of kitchen skills. But I entered the ‘tiny’ kitchen and actually cooked my dinner; something I generally like to avoid.

2. Messages

Loads. From work colleagues across the country. Ones I see now, ones I haven’t seen in years. All family though. Its that kind of job. I’m still getting some pinging through now two days later. Usually inappropriate. Usually hilarious. All of them made me laugh. Some I even snort laughed at.

I also had messages from mates that I still see and some I don’t manage to see often. Its pretty great that we all stay connected.

Definitely a few new connections in there too. I love the fact that even people on WordPress who I have only known through our blogs are also in touch. Appreciating the banter…you know who you are :-).

3. Music

Wether you have been my DJ, my playlist provider or even my FaceTime rendition of happy birthday played by guitar and sung, I have danced around my living room, my bedroom and my tiny hallway. I have refrained from dancing in the garden as there are far too many flats with people in them who, lets face it, have nothing to do other than stare at the mad folk outside. I have sat in the garden though whenever there is a bit of sun.

4. Girls night in

FaceTiming with the girls who all had a glass of something has been such a laugh. They tried to sing happy birthday to me (I muted them haha). Staying in is the new going out. At least you can always find a seat. At my new age of forty fecking three people might say I need it.

The other great thing about this is that its not that far to get home. No thinking about how I am going to walk down from town on a Saturday night. No taxis required. Just a few skips through to my bedroom and woohoo…bed!

5. Neighbours

I have lovely neighbours although occasionally we can’t be arsed with each other. They are mental (I am just quirky…there is a difference) but I like them for it.

My old neighbour who used to sing very loudly in the garden, old in age and also old in the fact he had to move across town, phoned me to say happy birthday. Two of my other neighbours made me scones and made me cards. Hey they were Christmas cards, but they scored out the merry Christmas and changed it to Happy Birthday.

Worst or Best?

Can I go for somewhere in between? I had a laugh so it wasn’t bad. I can think of things I would like to be doing though on my birthday though that I couldn’t do. At least I was off work for a couple of days. At least I have a lot of people, connections and laughs.

I also think that if you do have your birthday during the COVID-19 crises then you should be allowed a second one when this is all a bit better.

Does that make me a queen, a princess or just a little demanding? πŸ™‚

This one is only here because it made me laugh πŸ™‚ x

12 thoughts on “Birthday”

  1. Happy Belated Birthday NOY! πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽˆπŸŽˆ
    None of those things makes you a queen or Princess, it makes you normal, lol. Seriously, with the current state of the world your acting exactly like everyone else would. Especially with your neighbors, I mean even on your best day, having a weird neighbor can be annoying. I give my neighbors nicknames. But that’s a post for next week. Again, happy birthday, drink wine, dance around your house and celebrate your only shitty birthday! Lol

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks Huntress!
      Brilliant I am looking forward to your neighbour post now.
      Birthday or not we should all be dancing round our houses and drinking wine πŸ‘πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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